Aspire for More with Erin

A Caring Voice for You: a conversation with Davina Mclean-Randall

Erin Thompson

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Welcome back to another episode of the aspire for more with Aaron podcast, where I am honored to have Davina McLean Randall, the founder of a caring voice for you, and also a health and wellness specialist as my guest today. So thank you for being here, Davina.


Thank you so much, Aaron, for having me today.


Absolutely. I love that LinkedIn opens the doors for a gal from Alabama and a gal from New York State to meet, and have a conversation. on a podcast episode like this. So I'm really excited. You came in my viewpoint through a few very fascinating LinkedIn posts to me. But then I saw a post that I had a tinge of jealousy on and you were recognized as a female business owner, like 40 under 40. One of those really cool, recognitions that people get. And I was like, I gotta get to know her. What is this business? A caring voice for you, then started a few months later, a beautiful connection. So tell me about that experience. What it's like being 40 under 40, being part of that group.


thank you so much, Aaron. I got connected with a couple of different groups and one in particular was the 40 under 40 and I was highlighted, a caring voice for you was highlighted and recognized. so it was really exciting and I appreciate you just recognizing, what we do, A caring voice for you is my passion. It's a health and wellness, support, over the phone support, sorry. It's a, okay. So a caring voice for you is a over the phone support service for anyone stressed, lonely going through grief or, just in the middle of life transitions. So we all go through transitions and. stressors. So we're here to support, anyone that's going through those, those life struggles, especially our older adults. we have a passion for making a difference in the lives of individuals.


Yeah, I think transitions, I know that I talk about this a lot inside Senior Living and in life, those major transitions are where we are all most vulnerable from a personal standpoint, if you're, if you lost a spouse, if having children, if you're getting married, if you're, if suffered from hard things in life, those transition points in life, Are key in how high you're going to bounce back, how low are we going to go and are we ever going to come out of it? I've had some really, tough transitions in my life and a lot of them were internalized. And that's not very good. I'm sure you have lots of experience with that with your customers.


Yes, I think in life, we all go through those transitions. And like you said, those obstacles, what I call it is the roller coaster of life. We're all on it. We're going up and down. We're trying to figure out life as it comes at us. And we're just trying to persevere. And yeah, we all have those struggles. And we're trying to figure out as from day to day how to make it. And, that's what we're here for. We're here to provide that support to anyone and, help them figure out, how to make it through each and every day.


So what was that moment for you that created this idea of a business?


So just like I said, those roller coasters, I was on a roller coaster and I was on a tough roller coaster ride. not too long ago, I would say about two to three years ago, I went through a significant health challenge. And, during that challenge, I was at home in bed and, going through just a lot, not really able to, do a lot. I was out of, work. I took time off of work and then in the midst of all of that chaos. I lost two significant loved ones back to back. and that was a tough time for me. so in the midst of all of what I was going through, my roller coaster ride, I thought about a lot of my clients. My background is in counseling. I've counseled, individuals, families, name it. I've probably connected with that group of individuals or that, that individual, in a sense. And, um, You know, it just back, it brought me back to really reflecting and realizing, many of what my clients have shared with me in the past. And I guess you really don't know, or you can't really connect with someone, about loneliness or grief or, so many other things until you actually go through it yourself. So during this time, of losing loved ones that were so dear to me. And in addition, in addition to that being home homebound myself, I felt a sense of loneliness. I was stressed. I connected with family and friends and really didn't. understood what I was going through. It was a, it was an odd time and I felt like I wasn't understood. And that's where a caring voice for you was created. I thought, if I'm going through this, if I am, having a tough time. And I've also talked to people who went through some of the same challenges in the past. it's time to make a difference. It's time to really, connect with others on a different level. in the past, it was more of, counseling, but with this focus, it's more of connecting with others and, just being a support for them through their day to day challenges.


I have learned through my journey of overcoming adversity that if we allow it, And, heal from it. But when we're down at that low point, there are moments of clarity that you gain from being, knocked down at that very rock bottom place. There's moments of treasure. There's moments of reflection and reflection turns experience into insights. And so now all of a sudden we have gifts. That we can share when we choose and are ready to share them. and you're right. It's hard to tell somebody how to overcome certain things. If you've never experienced something similar.


Yeah. Definitely. You can relate to the person and the individual that's going through, so many different things. and it's, not just grief, but when you go through those challenges in life, you can truly understand when someone isn't being heard or you feel like you're not being heard or connected with anyone. that's my passion. And it's a way to make a difference in the people that is, Just going through moments. And again, we all, we have them


social media. I have taken to social media a little bit more over the past few years and it makes you think that you're connected to people, but you're really not, Social media is a highlight reel. I'm guilty of it. I do put some really vulnerable things out there too, but true connection is when you are in somebody's presence and you are seen and you are heard. And you feel it, right? And you can bring your full self to the table and not the fear, the judgment, and that sounds like what a caring voice for you does for people.


Yes, originally my main focus was to really reach out and support older adults who were homebound or just going through, a time where they didn't feel connected. I think all of us going through COVID can identify what it was like to really not be able to connect with others, go anywhere that we wanted to, or, feel the presence of others. my original thought was to work with seniors, But as I started to move along, I realized that, not only seniors and older adults are having a tough time, but honestly, everyone is going through a tough time with loneliness, according to the CDC. older adults are, one of the highest groups of individuals who are going through loneliness, but it's also young adults and you brought up. Brought up a really good point that, we are most of us are on the Internet. We are on social media. We're connecting with others on, all these social media platforms regularly. But there's still something about not really having that conversation or not really being in the presence of someone else that really makes a difference to be socially connected. We have a service called Friendship Connections, which is specialized just for our older adults, where we connect with, an older adult with another older adult to talk over the phone due to, stress, loneliness, or just wanting to talk to someone from their time, their era, that can, they can really understand and know what they're going through or just laugh and have a good time. so that's something that we created. To, provide that social connection, whether they're homebound, or can, go anywhere they choose to, but we wanted to make sure that everyone is included in that.


So how does a community or an elderly loved one get involved in. This program,


they can, there's two ways you can go online at Karen voice for you. com and you can sign up the yourself or a loved one for support. they also can call 8 3 3 8 2 9 10 88 and Call in, talk to someone about how to set up an appointment to register as well. And those are the two main ways to connect with us. Emailing is also an option, but those two ways are the most active And most appropriate at the time.


Sure. So have you seen in specifically older adults, right? Because we'll get to the younger adults, but have you seen such a huge increase in morale and, engagement and connection due to. Them being a customer of a caring voice for you, because I would assume it would be great.


I, the joy, with the joy is definitely something that I see, just being able to connect and talk with someone else to laugh, to know what it's like, to go through certain things at certain times. For example, COVID, if you've never been through the time period when we went through COVID, you couldn't identify or truly understand what we went through. And it's the same thing with a lot of older adults. they've been through things that we have no idea as a younger individual, what they went through and what they experienced. And They can laugh and share different moments and, talk about, do you remember when, with each other? And that's the purpose of the friendship connections, services to allow them to just laugh and have a good time and connect and, and reminisce.


Absolutely. So for the younger adults, do you go to businesses? And say, hey, if you want this benefit for your employees, is that something that you do? Or do they have to find you? Because I would assume, again, having this as a service for their company's employees would be a great benefit. To everyone.


Yes, we have a wellness check in support for businesses. So businesses would reach out to us collaborate on what they need. The main idea is to provide support to their employees for retention purposes as well as just to let the employees know that their employer truly care about them. I'm actually working with a particular business where, we connect with. their employees on a regular basis. And depending on what the business need, it can be monthly. It can be weekly. it could be quarterly. but the goal is to really connect with the employees check on their wellness, provide resources to them, as they need. And then, in a sense, connect back with the owner, By collaborating and, really just summarizing what their employees are sharing with them so the owner can really make a difference, to make sure that they retain their employees that they have, that they care about and want to keep, within their business. That's




Thank you. I


can, I can see where any business would want that because Obviously you keep it confidential, but now you have data to give them as you know, everything's fine. And now it's, nod. And how do we get back up? And what are you hearing that we don't? that's, have you been able to save people from quitting?


Yes. and that's the best part about feel comfortable sharing information. not rather. Because they know that it is confidential. There are, they get a lot of things that's going on off of their chest. They allow me to just be a support and listen to them. I've had the opportunity to share different resources in the communities with the employees who are struggling with things. And it's not everything, that they share that, is summarized, but it's given them support when they need it most. And that's the best benefit of it.


That is a great benefit. so one of, as a business owner myself and talking to another female business owner, when you have a very service, Heart minded business, like a caring voice for you and aspire for more with me. Where do you see, you're in the thick of it now, where do you see this wanting to go, in three to five years, I feel like as a leader, we're always in the moment and if we stay too much in the moment. We don't we missed what we could be doing today for the future version of ourselves and our companies, right? where do you see this? going especially with all of the turnover that we're seeing in companies and the Mental health struggles, the lack of connection struggles. this could be really, this could be a thing, A real big success. So wait, what do you see? What's your vision?


Wow. That's a big question. But, I see so many things. So with a caring voice for you, our goal is to really just be compassionate and care for individuals. We're going through, life stressors. So that can mean so much. our main. our main goal was to really help the older adults who are homebound, really get connected and provide support to their caregivers. a big thing that we do with our health and happiness, support where we connect with, seniors at the request of a loved one and provide support to them, in their home over the phone so often, There are a lot of amazing agencies out there who are providing support to older adults in their home. but sometimes older adults don't need actual person in their home all the time, or they may feel that need to connect with someone when no one's there. And our goal is to really provide that support to them. Being at home, and it's at the fraction of a cost of in home companionship. So where we see ourselves going in the future is really continuing to connect and provide support to our older adults through our over the phone support, and it's nationwide. So anywhere, anyone, anywhere in the US can receive our services and support. So Our goal is to really just continue to do that. Make a difference in all communities. another goal of ours is to really, because a caring voice for you is a paid service is to really gain grants so that we can not only service individuals who are able to pay, but anyone in all communities. So we're focusing on obtaining several grants to make a difference in all communities for anyone who is going through those life struggles. We are also interested in continuing to connect with many organizations as well as other businesses in the community. So we are connected with a few and we are. partnering and making a difference in various fields, but continue to partner and, strive to connect with others because often when you have two or more individuals together, that's when you can really, make a greater impact to communities. our goal was to continue to connect with others, find out who is interested and, learning more about what we do and how we can partner with them to make a difference. we are also interested in coming out to various, rehabilitation centers, independent living facilities, et cetera, to, share and educate on ways to get through stress and loneliness, life transitions. Those are all important things because we're We can connect, but education is one of the greatest things. If you can educate and you can help someone understand and learn what are some things that they can do when they're going through these life struggles, I think that's the greatest gift that you can get. So we enjoy going out to communities and providing just educational pieces. So if you are interested in having us come out to your community, nationwide, let us know, please connect with us and, we will, collaborate with you on how we can get that done.


So you've gone into assisted livings and independent livings and rehab centers lately. Have you been doing that?


I have. I love it. I love being there. I love, going in and connecting and talking and just sharing. I love hearing the stories. The stories are absolutely.




love hearing the stories and, it's so much fun to go into, the independent living facilities and the rehabilitation, centers that I've gone to recently. I think I went to this past month, about four or five different locations. And I love it. I love it. it's a joy. It's a joy to go in and to connect with others to listen to what they're going through. I'm teaching them just ways to get through life struggles. Learning from them as well as huge because every time I go, I learned so much from them and it helps me to really reflect on what I do, why I do it and how I'm making a difference.


There's a lot of connection inside of those, communities, and they want you to be there. And they welcome Shug, Honey, Darling, which I don't know about up there in New York, but let me tell you, down here, if you were to walk in, that's what you would be called.


I love it. It doesn't matter. I love it.


so you're getting your feet wet in the speaking part, and hopefully you can. Grow and get the reps in and maybe I'll see you on the speaking circuit a little bit inside senior living.


Absolutely. That's my goal. That's another one of my goals in the future to really, maybe in the future, speak at a conference or in front of various Communities in order to really share my passion ways to for, the individuals working in the independent living facilities, et cetera, to really make a difference for the individuals who are there. And that's my passion, just really make a difference, not only for, the individuals who are homebound, but for everyone, iron sharpens iron. That's what I believe.


Yeah, no, it's true. It's very true. And I think you're onto something people inside who work inside senior living are people who give and. They are people who need to understand how to take care of themselves so they can take care of others. and I think that's an interesting topic, like self love and leave and all this other kind of stuff. it sounds for me for a long time, I felt like it was really selfish and I felt like I needed to be everywhere and be 10 steps ahead, everybody and all that. But that comes at a. At a disservice to yourself because you can't do everything and You are giving yourself away You have to take a step back and give to yourself enough, to make yourself more valuable so you can continue to give value. and that's, I think, a caring voice for you could certainly be that. To the leaders, the direct care workers, the culinary people inside of communities, because sometimes we just have to get some sleep, take a day off reset and everything will be better the next day, and not feel guilty about it.




how do you think that you overcame? That deep, dark transition in your life, if we had to sum it down into, three to five things. Like you suffered through it until you realized, I don't want to do this anymore. Or whatever that moment was for you, if you could share. Some of those teachable moments that you found to help you overcome what would be some of the top ones that you would say,


I think, perseverance knowing that during this time that I was what I was going through. I wanted to. Get through it and know that I was going to make a difference for others. So knowing that what I was going through had a purpose and not only did it have a purpose, but I was turning it into a plan to really not only shape what I learned from it, but to help others who were going through either similar challenges or just obstacles in their lives. So that's one thing that I, that helped me just to really, get through that moment. Also, my faith, having a faith, a spiritual connection, maybe getting connected with your culture, something to help you connect and know, and believe that things are going to get better. That, this is only temporary. It will, you will get through it. And, things are maybe hard now, but as you move through that phase, and as you're on that roller coaster of life going up and down, eventually, you have to keep going on that roller coaster. It's not going to stop. so remembering that also. giving thanks for, or being grateful, I should say, being grateful for the things that I did have. I, I had a family, I had, friends, I had a house over my head. I had food. I was able to eat, all those things. I was just very thankful for, and just really bringing back into perspective. Yes. Life is hard. Yes. I'm going through these struggles. But there are things that I should be grateful for and not take them for granted. Those are the main things that really helped me to get through my tough time. and know that it's not easy. It never is when anyone is going through anything, but eventually it will change.


Yeah, I like, turning, I have a purpose, this isn't, this is temporary, I have a purpose, and as you get stronger and closer to identifying what that purpose is, now I'm going to turn this into a plan. Yeah, there's someone that named Anna Hall that you should follow on LinkedIn if you don't follow her. Alright. She's the purpose expert. And she would love sentence, but it is true. And I think that we talk about it because, we've overcome it. And there are people in the moment, like one of the things that I used to think, this is hard, but it's not as hard as that over there.


And so


I never allowed myself. To say that it's hard, right? Like I always compared it or catastrophize something else. And if you're going through a hard time. And you're saying that it's not as hard as somebody else. that may be true, but your hard is hard. And that's what we're talking about. We're talking about hard. Yes. You feel like this is hard and you're in, you're finding it hard to get out of bed or you're finding it hard to control the thoughts in your head. That's the hard that we're talking about. identify it, claim that it's hard, give yourself a little bit of grace, and then make steps forward, however small they are, just keep going, because I've seen this on Instagram, I've seen this everywhere, you've already made it out of the most trying times that you've already had in your life, and you can do this too. And everything comes to an end, it's the good times and the bad times, right? They don't stay shiny and, forever and, growth requires uncomfortableness. So it's easy to talk about old wounds because they're scars now, right? They're healing. But that doesn't mean that it didn't hurt whenever they were fresh.


Exactly. And you brought up a good point about giving yourself grace. I find it and I don't know if it's just me, but, often I find that it's so easy to give other people grace. it's so easy, it's okay. I just, I will give them grace. But when it comes to myself, that's the hard part. just it's okay to make mistakes. It's okay. To think one way, or really are, whatever it may be when you're going through those tough times, we all have them. No, 1 is exempt, and to give yourself grace and knowing that you can overcome, you can use self talk to persevere and to get through those moments. And it's important to do that. So you can continue to grow, in your life, right?


And gratitude. I used to roll my eyes when anybody would tell me. That you need to have gratitude. You need to be thankful. Like I used to roll my eyes and be like, you don't know how hard this is. Whatever. I am thankful. like I, I had a very realistic, non pessimistic outlook on life, which, was pessimistic, but, gratitude does change everything. And the other thing that I am very aware of right now is what is mine will be mine when it's supposed to be.


I like that.


Yes. No one can take from me what is meant to be mine. So that means that I'm thankful for every step that's going to get there, get me there. So I'm going to be at the right place at the right time. Doesn't matter what happens. I was meant to be here and I'm going to trust the process and I'm going to plant seeds of support and encouragement to everyone because that's the energy that I want in my life. so I love that. Yes. If I don't get what I, Matt if I don't get what I wanted or if I, get turned down for this thing, or if something else happens, it's okay. It just wasn't meant for me. And the next thing will be what's meant for me. And for a long time I did not think that way. a lot of things were very negative and tied to self-worth and. Then that's just that vicious cycle that we do to ourselves. So I have a, like you said, gratitude, will replace all resentments and resentments really are, is the biggest cancer to mindset. And I am living proof of that. So when you say, yes, I'm thankful for food, I'm thankful for, An old car that gets me to and from that's paid off. I'm very thankful for that, or I'm thankful for this, or I'm thankful for that. Like, you know, what success is for you. And so you can stop comparing and be like, I am thankful for where I'm at today because I'm on the path of where I want to be.




Yeah, I love that.


That was well put. you definitely put the stamp on that.


I mean, good company, right? Who understands what it's like to overcome and I feel like we should all share, you know, if you're going to be vulnerable with me, then, We have to be, I feel like we're just better together.


Oh, absolutely.


when one person shares, we need to, to all share. So we realized we're not in this alone. We're in this together for sure. So I know I've asked you several times, but a caring voice for you is for anyone that wants to connect with anyone to build that connection. a better future for themselves, confidence in communication, just to feel connected, to have that check in point if they don't have anybody else, or to tell the truth to somebody who will listen.


Yes, such as our stuff. We also have spill my tea. Spill my tea is the opportunity to call and tell your deepest, darkest secrets. If you're holding a secret in and you need to share, we'll keep it confidential and you'll have that ability to share. It's honestly just an opportunity to talk to someone, to feel heard and to have someone listen. So


yes, absolutely. So one more time. If there is a company or a community that wants to get in touch with you to talk about how to be this support for their residents or for their, associates, how do we get in touch with you?


Yes. they're welcome to give us a call at 833 829 1088 or you can go on caring voice for you. com and set up a time to talk with me. and I would love to, to hear more about, your ideas on how we can support you.


Thank you so much for being here. I appreciate. You taking a chance and meeting a stranger and getting on a podcast to share your message. It certainly is something that I will support, and tell the world about. So thank you so much, Davina. I appreciate it.


Thank you so much, Erin. Thanks for having me. And I enjoyed our conversation today. Take care.


And always for my listener, listeners aspire for more for you.